
Greenwich Lane came to be through a combined love of food and writing. My partner Lex and I live in the heart of Sydney and when we first started dating four years ago we would go out to dinner all the time – to the same places! (If it aint broke don’t fix it right?). Four years later and our couple time is still primarily spent dining at restaurants around Sydney (and the world), however, we found ourselves on a mission to try new restaurants and (gasp) avoid visiting the same place twice – a three time rule applies for absolute knockout food. We soon realised that we both had a love affair with food. Our tastes developed, were fine-tuned in many respects, and we both grew to know exactly how we wanted our food to be cooked and served. Our friends and family started calling us “foodies” and before we knew it we were the go-to source for restaurant recommendations. On our recent trip to NYC my geeky side came out, and I compiled a list of all the best restaurants in the city, categorised by cuisine, neighbourhood and price. It’s a list that’s evolving and one that has been since passed through the hands of friends and family who make the trip to the Big Apple.

Our love for cooking only strengthened our love for food. We love coming home from our day jobs and cooking together. Not only does it act as couple time, but it also means we can see and smell exactly what goes into our food. Food doesn’t always need to take hours to prepare and cook, proved by revolutionary cooking books that promise quick and easy meals – Jamie Oliver is my favourite!

And so, the story continues, how did Greenwich Lane come to be a blog? I started chatting to Lex about how many wonderful meals we’ve shared together, and how those times around the dinner table aren’t just about eating, but rather sharing memories and creating new ones. When we meet for dinner on a Friday night after the working week we chat about our day, how work is, what the highlight and lowlight of our weeks were, our plans for the future. I decided a blog would be a great way for me to preserve our memories and experiences, a way to document what we ate and enjoyed, and a means in which we could reminisce. I also thought it would be therapeutic as I’m a person who struggles daily with anxiety and writing is a way to channel my thoughts and energy.  However, if anything, at least Greenwich Lane can be a documentation and a memory book for Lex and I. So here goes, a journey about food and life, I hope you’re along for the ride with me!

Lis x

P.S The name Greenwich Lane is inspired by our favourite neighbourhood in NYC, Greenwich Village!